Monday, March 06, 2006


Entremaneur - Pronunciation Key(ón-trâ-mâ-nûr, -nõõr) Noun
Someone who makes a living selling bullshit to the masses.

Well it wont be all BS all the time...neither will it be no BS all the time. Kinda midway-Mostly BS most of the time.

The reasons why i have decided to blog:-

  1. New craze in college! Few of my batchmates are now fellow entremaneurs and i cant let them have all the fun all alone.
  2. So much creativity...there must be an outlet! Please dont replace creativity with bs.
  3. Test of will- to see whether i can really be consistent atleast once in my life.
  4. The possibility of reaching out to the masses, hopefully find a few who have the same views and killing the rest.
  5. Last but not the least. The biggest factor of them all:- Boredom
With these few words i am starting a journey which i hope lasts longer than my other forgettable endeavours. Well Wishers hop on.
"the journey is the reward"- from some forward i accidently clicked open

1 comment:

Deepak said...

When are u making this public man???